Separating variants into different products on Shopify
Asked 4 years ago
We sell a product that has several different colors, but the same design, sizes, and price. Should we split each color into a separate product or add variants within one product?
Ezra Alexander
Friday, May 08, 2020
Having a separate product for each color may be convenient for you right now but keep in mind that it may not be so in the future when your business grows. When you cancel certain colors, that are set as separate products, you'll need to delete them and manually set up a redirect from the missing product page. If you have a lot of color variants that can be quite a lot of products and quite a lot of redirects in the future. Sometimes it's better to stick to the way Shopify is structured and not try to customize too much. You may feel restricted by it but there's always a tradeoff when you use a platform. I'd do a main page for the product, listing all of the color variants, and have a collection page that features all of the options. This is much simpler because you have one product and the collections page shows each variant individually.
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