How to find a winning product to sell on my Shopify store as fast as possible?
Asked 6 years ago
I've seen that it has something to do with how my store appears on google, but I'm not really sure exactly what this means or how I can access and use it. I assume there's no way how I can spy on other Shopify stores, so I need some advice here.
Tom Amitay
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Chasing the “winning product” will not take you places, it doesn’t work. Almost no successful business started by looking for a winning product. They may have found winning products along the way. You have to build a sustainable business and if you’re looking for a lottery ticket you’ll waste a lot of time and resources. Even if you find a very good product, many things can go wrong - Your suppliers may stop working with you, shipping prices may rise, you can get chargebacks. You get the drift. Focus on making your customers happy and sell a variety of products so you don’t depend on just one.
Theron Vargas
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Dude, you are doing it wrong. I know, because I did the same mistakes... Then I realized I should stop trying to get a winning product, and stop dropshipping. I started to look at it differently, I looked for a problem that a product could solve, and found one. I created my own product for that, not some cheap random product from Alibaba. My product actually makes other people’s life more comfortable. Looking for lottery tickets is not the way to go about building a business, eCommerce or any other business type.
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