Why is my dropshipping store not selling?
Asked 6 years ago
I opened a dropshipping store on Shopify, selected many products and uploaded them to the store. I also started doing FB and Instagram ads. I’m getting some traffic but no sales. I’m really feeling out of sorts.
Willie Salazar
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Don’t fall into the trap of trying to push another generic dropshipping store. If your store looks like a Chinese dropshipping site, with no emotional connections, buyers won’t connect to the brand (which doesn’t exist) or buy. Instead of working on your website, consider first working on your brand. If you have no brand, your business won’t succeed. Your social media channels should also show your brand identity, not just stock photos. I would step back and reassess your products, then start again. Find something you are passionate about, so others can be passionate too and then buy from you.
Natasha Oconnor
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Dropshipping can be confusing because there’s an endless number of products that you could choose. But you can’t just sell any product. You have to select a product that you know a lot about. When you find that product, order a sample and see how long it takes until you receive it. The products you sell should arrive in less than ten days. The best way is to order a few samples and see how long it takes. Another important tip is to take your own photos of the products instead of using those from Aliexpress. This will help give a more personalized feeling so that customers can connect to your brand.
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