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How many emails should be in a welcome series on Klaviyo?

Asked 6 years ago

I just recently installed Klaviyo on my Shopify store and want to set up a good welcome series flow with Klaviyo's best practices. I checked with the guides on the Klaviyo community for optimizing a welcome series as well, but I thought I'd ask here as well just for a second opinion. So, how many emails should I have in a welcome series of messages?

Abeeha Qasmi

Sunday, September 12, 2021

You should have enough emails in your Klaviyo welcome emails to build trust with your prospect before you push them with sale emails. For a better start with Klaviyo, you should send 4-6 emails in your Klaviyo welcome series.

Introduce yourself and engage with the customer with devoted emails, and then you can proceed to compel them to make a purchase.

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