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Why Facebook Ads Don't Convert Customers to Your Shopify Store

Brody Hall
By Brody Hall
Davor Štefanović - Editor for KeepShoppers
Edited by Davor Štefanović

Updated February 10, 2023.

Why Facebook Ads  Don't Convert Customers to Your Shopify Store main image

With Facebook ads, you can reach your target customers rather quickly and send them to your Shopify store. You may notice, however, that these customers are not converting into leads. But why?

Here are the top four reasons why your Facebook ads may not be working for your business.

You're not targeting the right audience

Facebook ads manager allows you to target your audience based on demographics and interests and their actions. The first step in Facebook advertising is to learn how to target your audience as accurately as possible.

In some cases, you can target a specific audience right off the bat, like if you need to target men of a certain age, in a particular location, with a specific interest. But sometimes, Facebook's targeting doesn't cut it, and you have to get more creative.

For example, if your customers are football coaches and you need to single them out from other people interested in football because if you don't, you'll get a negative ROI on your ad budget. In that case, you may want to add another step into your funnel, like content marketing, that will help you identify and retarget your exact audience. You can target football fans with very cheap ads that promote content relevant only for football coaches and not for fans. Then, you can retarget the people who clicked your ads, knowing that they are coaches.

Your ads target customers at the wrong stage of the journey

Facebook advertising allows you to target people based on where they are in the customer journey. This means that you can advertise to those who do not know who you are (the awareness stage), customers who need more info before they buy (consideration), and those who are ready to buy from you (conversion).

When you create a Facebook campaign, make sure that the value proposition is very relevant and appealing to customers based on the stage they are at in their journey.

Your ads and landing pages aren't aligned

Always look at your advertising as a whole process and not as separate steps. Customers want to know the brand they buy from and even feel there is a relationship between them.

When customers click on an ad from a certain eCommerce brand that includes a value proposition, design, and information about the product they're interested in, they expect to go to a page that maintains the same theme and speaks about the same product. If you send the customer to a store with a different name, design, or value proposition than the one in the ad, they will not trust you.

Therefore, creating a seamless flow between your ads and your Shopify store's landing is crucial in converting sales.

You are using the wrong type of campaign

Most Shopify marketers use conversion campaigns by default. But as we mentioned before, you should make sure that your marketing activity matches your target audience and their stage in the customer journey.

Define a clear objective for your campaign, and don't necessarily choose conversion. Facebook built their ads manager to help you nurture customers throughout their journey, from awareness to consideration and conversion. You need to identify the stage your target audience is in and choose a campaign objective accordingly.