Is there a way to tag contacts into the date they signed up to my MailChimp mailing list from my website?
Asked 3 years ago
I have imported our contacts from our website and I wanted to tag them into the date they sign up to our mailing list from our website. But when imported the list is not in the order as it was on my spreadsheet. Why not and what can I do about it?
Abeeha Qasmi
Monday, July 12, 2021
Yes, you can segregate your subscriber list in Mailchimp based on their sign up list. For this purpose, you need to apply the segmentation condition "Date Added." This feature automatically converts each contact's signup time to CUT. Thus, you can filter and view your audience list, targeting their signup dates. Learn more about segmentation here.
Newt Carbon
Sunday, November 27, 2022
Hi. I understand that you know at least a little bit about business. Maybe you eventually want to open your own business and you will need workers and you 100% turn to LinekdIn, but not to sit and not to scatter each invitation to each department there is this application. LinkedIn lead generation is a central focus for any B2B organization that's interested in driving consistent and reliable revenue. I suggest to use Octopus CRM LinkedIn lead generation tool for your business. When I first started this app saved me so much time
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