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What do you think about the Shopify App One Click Upsell by Zipify?

Asked 4 years ago

How does it compare to other apps of the same type?

Katie Heenan

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

One Click Upsell by Zipify is a high rated upselling Shopify app. They offer both pre and post-purchase upsells, thank you page upsells, split testing and native Shopify integration. Most Shopify upsell apps offer these features also. The difference may be the price. One Click Upsell starts at $24.99 which may not be suitable for all budgets.

Newt Carbon

Newt Carbon

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Hi. I understand that you know at least a little bit about business. Maybe you eventually want to open your own business and you will need workers and you 100% turn to LinekdIn, but not to sit and not to scatter each invitation to each department there is this application. LinkedIn lead generation is a central focus for any B2B organization that's interested in driving consistent and reliable revenue. I suggest to use Octopus CRM LinkedIn lead generation tool for your business. When I first started this app saved me so much time

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