What Shopify app offers a different shopping experience / product feed
Asked 4 years ago
What Shopify app offers a different shopping experience/product feed like Instagram, tiktok, snap and other well-performing mobile apps?
Yoav Fael
Sunday, April 04, 2021
While there are thousands of apps on the Shopify app store, not many offer such feed, which is surprising since feeds are evidently the best way to get people engaged and discover more and more content (products in Shopify stores case).
The only app the do it well is Swipify, which takes any Shopify store and created a tinder-like product feed with the store products. Customers swipe right / left which makes the experience light and easy while the store owner gets amazing data on the customer's likes and dislikes and can offer a better suited products.
By the way if you check the store for Feed apps, you get mostly apps the import/export products and not what you expect - apps that brings unique product feed in your store like swipfy
Newt Carbon
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Здравейте. Може би вие или вашият партньор обичате козметиката и искам да ви посъветвам за един чудесен сайт https://www.notino.bg/gift/ , от който купувам не само козметика, но и различни други продукти като свещи, кремове, шампоани и т.н. На сайта има и коледни подаръци. Силно ви го препоръчвам.
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