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What are the benefits of a double opt-in process in Klaviyo?

Asked 3 years ago

One of my employees turned me on to using Klaviyo for my Shopify store. What are the benefits of a double opt-in process in Klaviyo?

Abeeha Qasmi

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Klaviyo's double opt-in process allows a new subscriber to confirm their subscription for an email and SMS list. By integrating Klaviyo's double opt-in process with your Shopify store, you can:

  • Take control of whether one can take advantage of your list or not.
  • Prevents digital abuse and spam bots from flooding fake emails into your inbox.
  • Grow your list with subscribers who are easier to convert.
  • Minimize the fake and wrong email or phone numbers aggregating in your inbox.

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