Tom Amitay
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Many Shopify stores aren't the type of websites that people return to. So, if your customers don't sign up for updates of any kind (email, Messenger, or text), then you've probably lost them. That's a waste because you spend money on Facebook ads, Adwords, SEO, blog posts, social media, and all sorts of efforts to bring traffic to your store, and usually, only about 3% of the traffic converts to sales. In other words, about 97% of the store's visitors don't place an order and are simply lost. For that reason, you should build "traps" to make as many customers as possible subscribe to your newsletter and lists. Find tricks that work - Tell them they'll be notified about sales and discounts, offer a PDF guide for your products, a 'how-to' video. Whatever works... After customers sign up to your newsletter, find ways to make them remember your brand and return to your store - Get them interested in products, offer discounts, notify them about sales, etc. Email marketing will not only increase your sales, but it will also reduce your marketing costs per purchase. Create content for your typical customer, send them videos, information on new techniques, new product info, and anything that you think will keep them interested in your brand. That way, when it's time to buy, they'll remember your company. Look for more information on email marketing for eComm, it's essential.
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