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Is it bad for SEO to share an entire blog post to your own website?

Asked 4 years ago

A well-known blogger has taken the time to write some review posts for our products on their blog. We would like to share the entire blog post on our own blog on our website, rather than including just a link to the posts on the blogger's page.

Is there any downside or disadvantage of doing this in terms of SEO? We would like for customers to stay on our website, rather than following a link to another website but want to be sure that this will not negatively affect our SEO.

Katie Heenan

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

When another website links back to yours, this is called a 'backlink'. Backlinks are great for SEO as it shows your customers and search engines that your site can be trusted, is reliable and should be put higher up on search engines. In this case, if it is a well-known blogger that is linking back to you, this further emphasises that your site is trustworthy as the blogger's site will already have that good reputation.

If you include the blog post on your site, it will give your customers that 'vote of confidence' to trust your site, and provides valuable-for-SEO' links. Linking to other bloggers allows you to draw people in for discussion, and outbound links to sites that have authority help to boost your SEO.

Abeeha Qasmi

Monday, July 05, 2021

Posting content that's already been published somewhere else is considered plagiarism. And the algorithms don't like websites containing plagiarized content. Hence, I'd recommend you share 30-70 word quotes/snippets only along with a direct link to the original article - with the blogger's permission. If customers find the reviews good, they'll return and purchase for sure.

Avik Das

Thursday, September 30, 2021

It wouldn't be a good idea to share an entire blog post of another site on your own, making it duplicate content. Search Engine doesn't like duplicate content and hence, it could affect the ranking of your site negatively. You can ask the blogger to link your site in the product review because a backlink can benefit your site. Or , it would be better to put the article as an outbound link on your website.

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