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Does my Shopify store theme affect my SEO?

Asked 5 years ago

Does the theme of your store affect your SEO? Can I improve my SEO by changing themes?

Barton Adams

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Having a good theme for SEO will solve up to 50% of your SEO issues.

The following SEO issues are related to the theme you use:

  • Poor site speed
  • Social links which open internally rather than externally
  • The use of sliders rather than separated images and text
  • No title attributes for links
  • No alt text for images
  • Incorrect H1-H6 tags

The remaining 50% of SEO issues are related to the keywords, internal links, inbound and outbound links and how you design your site to be optimized for SEO.

Deena Jarvis

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Your theme will not change your SEO in any way. SEO is dependant on many factors, most of which you can control.

A theme is only an empty shell into which you place your own text and your own pictures. If done poorly, your SEO will be poor. If done well, your SEO will be good.

Luba Samsonova

Luba Samsonova

Friday, April 29, 2022

A website theme can affect your SEO if it's too long to load. Page load speed is one of the ranking factors, so your website theme should be light and speedy.

Of course, it's pretty clear that, in addition to this, your website should offer only concise and correct content, and it's only your responsibility to offer this content to your users.

However, there are quite a lot of other different problems that can be solved with a good theme. For example, Google is fond of when navigation and presentation of content are made easy to comprehend.

Useful theme settings can also be quite helpful. Here I mean clickable phones in the header, place to display working time, up button, sticky menu (as navigation is more convenient).

And of course, there should be no code errors.

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