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How to write engaging content for my Shopify store?

Asked 6 years ago

Gilbert Simpson

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

I had the exact same question a year ago. I was trying to find ways to drive more traffic to my Shopify store, and I ended up taking a few online marketing courses that boosted my understanding and skills. Many websites offer marketing training courses about growth, SEO, content writing, storytelling, Facebook campaigns, PPC, etc. Most of these courses don’t take too long, maybe half a day or so, and it’s worth the investment of both money and time. Once I got the gist of it, how to structure a blog post, what images to use, how to use keywords, etc. I sat down and wrote a list of topics that I thought would be relevant for my customers. For example: • Answers to questions my customers were frequently asking. • How to use my products. • How my products are made. • How my business functions behind the scenes. • Showcasing products. • Products coming soon. • Showcasing user reviews. • How to order a product. You get the idea. Write about anything that can be relevant to your products/store/domain/customers. This list provided me enough work for many months. In fact, I still write a couple of posts every month.

Tetiana Zaiets

Tetiana Zaiets

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

You're probably wondering how to not only write high quality content for your website, but also how to attract more customers and retain them. After all, you obviously want your online store to bring in more profits.

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