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Can you group shared tags of a product in a Shopify collection?

Asked 2 years ago

I design and sell shoes for women on my Shopify store. They are unique designs and are in summer and winter sub-collections. Some of the shoes share tags, for example: - Leather - Winter boot - Heeled boot - Winter fashion Is it possible for me to create a group with all these tags in them for my winter sub-collection?

Paul Baxter

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Yes! It is easy to group shared tags of a product in a Shopify collection.

You should be good to go if your theme is available with the drop-down menu that filters collections based on the product tags. Go to your "Online Store"> Themes. In the theme editor, go to the "Collection Pages" tab. Click "Enable filtering by tag" and tick the checkbox next to it. Now you have enabled filtering by tags in your store, and you can easily create your sub-collections based on product tags.

If this procedure doesn't work out for you, you might be on a theme that doesn't support the filter by tags feature. In this case, you would have to do some coding, for which you might want to take help from a Shopify developer.

Newt Carbon

Newt Carbon

Monday, September 19, 2022

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