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What do you need to do to start training your customer support staff?

Asked 5 years ago

I am looking at hiring some customer support staff to handle customer queries. How do I go about training people to be customer support staff? What information do I need to provide to them?

Lakeisha Sanders

Thursday, July 08, 2021

There are many online courses or training materials that you can use in order to train your new customer support staff and develop their skills. Make sure that you inform them of the business values, language to use, and your customer service guidelines so that they respond to customers appropriately.

Susanna Armstrong

Thursday, July 08, 2021

There are various online training courses available to offer fantastic training for you and other members of staff that will develop their skills and nurture their talent and confidence. They need to know your products inside out and also your USP. Also you could write up a company ethos and customer service guidelines.

Roseann Perry

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Make sure to hire people who are the best fit for customer service positions. They should have excellent communication skills. Follow these tips to train your staff well:

  • Use online courses and resources.
  • Make sure they know your product or service inside and out.
  • Set rewards and incentives to motivate them.
  • Track their progress weekly.

Fran Johnston

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Customer support is basically a sales job, so they must possess the qualities to sell or give information about your business or product. They should have impeccable communication skills and must know your product inside out. For training, you can look up online courses. Else, make a short course of a week or two, explaining every detail of their job and educating about your product.

Abeeha Qasmi

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

To address customer queries, you must put yourself in the customer's shoes. For you to train the customer support staff, you must do the following things:

  • Ask your customer support representatives to look at things through a customer's eyes—it leads to superior customer service.
  • Provide them with the latest product knowledge and solutions so they can easily resolve every query.
  • Refrain them from any unwanted or forced product promotion as customers dislike that. Instead, direct them to provide credible and valuable information that compels the customers to check out the product.
  • Document the entire process for better preparation for the future.
  • Share feedback with the team so they can learn and improvise their strategies.

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