How to block customers from selecting ‘1st class letters’ as a USPS shipping option at checkout?
Asked 6 years ago
We’re losing money on shipping because some of the customers select ‘1st class letters’ even though the only shipping option we have set up is ‘1st class package’ with USPS. We can’t find a way to resolve this issue. Any ideas?
Tom Amitay
Monday, August 26, 2019
Hi, Here are three measures that you can take to make sure your customers select the right shipping option at checkout: 1. Check your shipping profile setup on Shopify. In your Shopify stores’ shipping settings, go to USPS and select the services that are enabled. Make sure that ‘First Class Mail’ is not selected. 2. Set your shipping by order cost and not by weight: If you ship through Shopify and your shipping is set by weight instead of cost, then maybe the system allows customers to select a different shipping option depending on the weight of the order. In that case, you may want to set your shipping according to how much the order costs instead of parcel weight. I know that shipping by weight can sometimes be better for the customers, but it might be what’s causing the issue here. 3. Change package size. You’re saying that some customers select 1st class envelope instead of 1st class package. It might be that the size of your parcels is too small, and then they qualify as envelopes. So, if your packages are close to an envelope size, try to make them a bit bigger, and then Shopify will probably hide the envelope shipping options at the checkout.
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