Secomapp Support
Friday, July 09, 2021
No Problem.
You can add your keyword in the meta title
You can use our app: A must-have app - SEO Booster - the best Shopify SEO app to improve search ranking, drive more traffic right now!
Alex Merchant
Friday, December 31, 2021
BRANDED SEARCH: This is more of a problem for large companies, rather than small, but it does affect everyone.
In case you changed domain name
You'll Lose Domain Age and Authority
An often overlooked factor in organic search is the age of your domain.
Will changing your company name get you better SEO results? Likely Not.
Will it hurt your SEO efforts? Yes, if you don't take the appropriate precautions when it comes to setting up redirects or doesn't make sure to secure an appropriate domain.
I generally follow for Marketing related info."
Luba Samsonova
Friday, April 29, 2022
In addition to the the fact the name of your store effects brand awareness, it's one of the factors which slightly effects the overall SEO. Of course, there are tons of other SEO success indicators, and brand name is not on the first place, but still a good domain name can help boost your search engine rankings. Alternatively, a poor domain name choice can damage your SEO ranking, so you should choose the shortest and most concise name.
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