What are good Shopify store names?
Asked 4 years ago
How do I know if my Shopify store name is too long or not long enough? What makes a Shopify store name a good one?
Michael Hammond
Wednesday, August 04, 2021
In general, good Shopify store names are short and simple. A shorter name will help customers remember who you are. A simple name will be easy to incorporate into other aspects such as your emails and social media handles.
A good place to start is doing a keyword research and deciding whether to incorporate them in your final name.
Filip Salt
Friday, October 14, 2022
Short and simple, but don't spent too much time thinking about it. Names are meaningless if not associated with the company behind the name. We think highly of Apple or Tesla just because we connect the name with the company behind it. Coming up with a name is easy - making something out of it is the real deal ;)
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