Can you link Shopify to either a Starling or Transferwise business account?
Asked 5 years ago
Has anyone tried linking Shopify to either a Starling Business account or a Transferwise business account?
From my understanding, it seems that Shopify requires that you use a bank that has a physical address, and so which would you pick over Transferwise vs Starling? How are the Transferwise Shopify payments as opposed to Starling Shopify payments?
Abeeha Qasmi
Friday, August 27, 2021
Yes, both Transferwise and Starling business account are linkable with Shopify. Now that both of these options are available, the question is which one should you use – Shopify Transferwise vs Starling.
I prefer using Starling over Transferwise for Shopify payments. The reason is that Transferwise Shopify payments cost you more fees in terms of money transfer, currency conversions, and ATM withdrawals than Starling. Hence, Starling is cost-efficient.
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