How to add shipping insurance on Shopify?
Asked 5 years ago
I want to know how to add shipping insurance on Shopify. Can anyone recommend a shipping insurance app? How are Route and Shipsurance as Shopify business insurance apps? Also, must I add shipping insurance to your individual order or can it be generalized across all orders?
Mark Guthrie
Monday, July 26, 2021
Shopify insurance is available to merchants in the United States. You can add insurance to your store and file claims in your Shopify admin. If, however, you would prefer to use a third-party app there are a few with different features that you can explore including 'Route ‑ Protection & Tracking', 'Simply Insurance' and 'InsureShield Shipping Coverage'.
Donald Jensen
Friday, July 30, 2021
Shopify shipping insurance allows you to protect the orders that you ship by buying up to $5000 of insurance coverage through 'Shipsurance', the insurance administrator. There are certain eligibility requirements for Shopify shipping insurance, including:
- The shipment must be shipped from the United States.
- The label must be purchased through Shopify Shipping.
- The label must have tracking included.
- The products must comply with Shipsurance’s Terms of Service
'Route' provides shipping insurance including tracking, protection and engagement (post-purchase) rather than general business insurance.
In general, you add shipping insurance to orders individually when you purchase the shipping label. There will be an option to add an amount of coverage in the 'Shipping Insurance' section.
Animex Studio
Wednesday, December 01, 2021
I run a successful shopify store and we use a shipping protection app for shopify called navidum. It isn't conventional shipping insurance. Instead, it adds a small widget to your Shopify store offering shipping protection to your customers for a small % of their total order. The customer is opted in, and you get the funds. Then, when a package is lost, stolen, or damaged you have the funds to reship and support your customer. In our shop, we see about 70% of customers opt in to this shipping protection, and it means we typically end up making profit each month because we don't have nearly the amount of reshipments compared to how much funds we collect. The funds help us off-set the already expensive cost of shipping, giving us a better over-all margin each month. App charges between free - 99.99 a month but it honestly pays for itself in a matter of a few orders. :) Here's the link to the shipping insurance app for shopify I use.
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