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Is personal pricing a good idea?

Asked 2 years ago

I'm considering trying out personalized pricing in my store. Apparently, it can increase my revenue and make the products more accessible. Should I give it a go?

Douglas Mcleod

Monday, January 31, 2022

Personalized pricing is miraculous because you can make more money if you price your products for each person instead of a group of people. Personalizing the prices is one step of personalizing the shopping experience to make customers loyal. Businesses can reward returning customers with lower prices and other benefits, like gifts, discount coupons, etc. Plus, with modern technology, there are a bunch of optimized pricing apps that can do all this for you.

Nevertheless, there's a downside also. The trust of people who shop at your store might hurt if they know that they might be paying more than their friends for the same thing.

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