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Do I need a GTIN for custom-made items on my Shopify store?

Asked 4 years ago

I am selling handmade products on Shopify. Got an email from Google about (Global Trade Item Number) GTINs for my products. Must I use GTINs? Can I just use SKUs?

Nell Hartman

Saturday, February 01, 2020

You don't need to create GTINs for custom made products. There is no need to invest money into this process. SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) are used for inventory management and it is always recommended to generate and assign SKUs to your products. Make sure that you generate your SKUs in a systematic way. When you use Google Shopping it is important to have your product information properly set up. It will improve the performance of your campaigns. Here is a good post with an overview about GTINs -

Abeeha Qasmi

Friday, August 27, 2021

It's not mandatory to have Shopify GTINs for your custom-made items. You can use SKUs instead of Shopify google GTIN. However, it is recommended to generate GTINs as it enhances your ads and listings performance and makes the inventory tracking more manageable than ever.

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