Best strategy for reducing shopping cart abandonment rate and optimizing conversions on Shopify
Asked 5 years ago
Contemplating what is the best 'add to cart' strategy - 1. Instant checkout - sending clients directly to checkout from the add to cart button. 2. Add to cart and continue shopping. What is the best choice?
Brittany Riggs
Wednesday, July 01, 2020
Optimizing the checkout process conversion rate is critical for the success of your ecommerce store. The different strategies have pros and cons. Instant checkout creates a short checkout process and may increase the conversion rates for single product shopping. It works well with highly targeted traffic. On the other hand, if you let shoppers easily add to cart and continue shopping you increase the chances that they buy multiple products on your store. There is no general best practice here - you must optimize the process and tailor it to best fit your store, products and clients. The best practice would be performing A/B testing on your checkout process to understand what works best for your store. Reducing the shopping cart abandonment rate is a key factor for the success of your Shopify store. Here are some general tips - Optimize the checkout experience, try a single page checkout process, allow skipping sign-up, simplify checkout forms, offer free shipping and free returns, use shopping cart recovery emails, retarget non-purchasing visitors. And most important - keep testing and optimizing the checkout process since it greatly affects your bottom line.
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