Can I use a PO Box address as my Shopify store address?
Asked 4 years ago
I am afraid that customers can see my home address on my Shopify store. Can I use a PO Box address as my Shopify store address? Does Shopify ship to PO boxes and how can I add a PO box to Shopify?
Marquise Stewart
Monday, August 17, 2020
You can use a PO Box address as your store address, but whenever a customer returns a product, you will have to collect it at the PO Box location.
There are many other services, like, that you can use instead of a PO Box.
Joel .Taylor
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Yes, Shopify does ship to PO boxes. For a comprehensive guide to, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of, using a PO box for your Shopify store, check out our article on Keepshoppers.
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